Cocomore lecture at the Goethe Business School in Frankfurt am Main

Dr. Jens Fricke from Cocomore was invited by Prof. Dr. Oliver Hinz to give a lecture as part of the MBA program for professionals "Master of Business Transformation Management" at the Goethe Business School in Frankfurt am Main.
The lecture on last Saturday dealt with practical examples. They showed particularly well to what extent marketing actions contribute to a company's business KPI in a verifiable and measurable way. "In the end, brand managers and marketing managers face the same challenges over and over again: On which channels and with which measures can I distribute my budget in a way, that the impact on business objectives is greatest?”, said Dr. Fricke. He also stated: "Real business live examples with an ROAS (Return of Advertising Spend) from up to 12 is exciting for most professionals."
In this context, Dr. Fricke also presented Cocomore´s approach for "Rapid Experience Management", in which fast project learning loops are linked to a strategic framework. This enables clients to simultaneously demonstrate measurable success in a very short time and generate valuable data and insights for applying the strategic tools. Thus, they can develop an overall digital strategy for their marketing activities on a much more valid basis.