Seven reasons why B2B companies need a webshop

B2C shopping websites established themselves long ago. Now the B2B sector also recognizes its opportunities in e-commerce and is positioning itself for the future.
Motivated by business, buying agents in the B2B sector are usually very well informed with high expectations. On the other hand, business relationships with them are generally very valuable and profitable. For a B2B webshop this means: an excellent presentation of goods, reliable information and precision are required as well as functioning channels for services and feedback. The customer must always feel comfortable with all the essential information about his business-related questions concerning products and margins. Companies that succeed here will also retain their customers in the digital future.
Customers can place their orders quickly and easily at any time and from anywhere. Preset standards for the order items save even more time. A confirmation and processing of the order takes place immediately and the current status is shared with the customer.
In addition, the operators accelerate their communication process: Marketing waste coverage is reduced - a major advantage over direct, purely analogue sales.
Saving of process costs
Sales and order processes are digitally connected with less administrative effort and additionally enable the greatest possible degree of automation. Assortments, quantities and price lists can be personalized and adapted to the primary needs and habits of the customer, which makes the process even more efficient.
It generates additional sales
The simplification of the order process together with faster fulfillment has a basically positive effect on sales, means order frequency and volume. The biggest lever, however, is the fast and simplified control of actions. Marketers can set up and implement advertising measures at any time, test them with a customer group and simply optimise them. In this way, they specifically influence demand via personalized offers or react to market conditions such as weather or competitors.
Collection of customer data
Getting customer data via the digital channel and the corresponding insight into the customer’s journey is of great value to the company. It enables the sales department to plan specific strategies and campaigns and to offer a product range more effectively. In addition, the purchasing department can optimize the supply chain. Particularly important findings can also be gained specifically for marketing. The direct feedback of the customer clarifies how and where marketers can reach him or her best.
Customer loyalty
B2B managers love it when they can use B2B shops like B2C platforms. With interaction options known from the consumer area, customers are addressed at exactly the right time in the Customer Journey with relevant content. This can happen before and after the shop visit in connection with a data-based CRM and via marketing automation on a regular basis. Real-time communication and services such as availability and stock levels provide users with another important impulse. These are matched to the respective touchpoint of the Customer Journey and thus offer additional added value.
Facilitation of the sales department
Another factor that should on not underestimate is the optimization of resources through the web shop and the automation of processes. Especially the sales staff can use the time gained to win new customers or for consulting meetings. And yet another advantage arises: Paperwork will be reduced and many other unattractive administrative activities will be eliminated - or at least reduced.
The introduction of eCommerce challenges every company. In this process, an established process often has to be questioned and, if necessary, set up anew and in a different way. The tasks, focus and expectations of customer services and sales are changing. This is strenuous, but strengthens one's own innovative strength and ability. In this way, internally necessary changes for modernization are initiated.
And another thing…
It is completely normal for the next generation of buyers to act online. A lack of presence for companies carries the risk of falling out of the relevant set. This, together with the realization that Amazon is already conducting initial tests in the direction of B2B commerce, should sensitize all those responsible for the topic. Anyone who does not take the step into eCommerce today risks to disappear from the market within the next five years.