DrupalCamp Spain: Granada 2016 – We were there!

Eduardo Amador

Each year, a different location is picked for the DrupalCamp in Spain. The weekend before last it took place in the beautiful city of Granada. Like many times in the past, part of Cocomore’s team travelled there to attend this event and to learn from the interesting talks concerning Drupal, PHP development and tech in general.

Our favorite talks

As in the years before, this DrupalCamp kept the exceptional level of sessions and inspired us to try new ideas in our own projects. At the end, we had to choose which talks we wanted to attend. These are some of them:

We participated by giving a session!

Display modes talk, photo by Josef (Amazee labs)

One of our Cocomoris, Jose Luis Bellido, was giving a session about “Display modes” and how we can develop most of the common requirements of our projects with those components. We hope that attendees enjoyed the talk at least as much as we did preparing it. If you want to know more, you can find the slides of this session here.

The level of the sessions was really high, and there were a lot of them that we didn’t have the opportunity to attend because of the tight schedule, but the videos of every session will be available on the Spanish Drupal Association video channel. We are really looking forward watching them!

Extra activities

Every DrupalCamp is special, not only because of the great sessions, sprints and trainings, but also because of the extra activities around the event that facilitate interactions between the attendees in a relaxed environment. This year, the organizers gave us the opportunity to visit Alhambra, where we were fascinated by this awesome set of monuments, the most visited in Spain.


Alhambra photo by Josef (Amazee labs)

They also organized a nice party on Saturday night. They rented a place called “Fusión Pasión” and a DJ was playing really cool music. It is also worth to mention that they set up a big screen on which we could see the photos that people posted on twitter with the hashtag #DrupalEsFiesta. Summarizing, the night was really fun and we could share great moments with great people.


Without a doubt, the most important experience of this event is connecting with other tech professionals, sharing knowledge and experiences with like-minded people from several countries. Now it’s our turn to incorporate this new and fresh knowledge in our daily work to further improve our ability to create successful projects for our clients.

We would like to say a BIG THANK YOU to all organizers of this edition of the DrupalCamp (the local group, the Drupal Spanish Association, collaborators) who made it possible. You rule!


Group photo by Josef (Amazee labs)

See you at DrupalCamp Madrid 2017!

Interesting links:

Our expert

Eduardo Amador

Eduardo Amador joined the Cocomore Team as Software Developer in Sevilla (Spain) in July 2015. Before he was working as software developer using PHP and Python mainly in Malta, Italy and Spain. Eduardo describes himself with these three words: Musica para todo.

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