DrupalCamp Spain 2014

Jesús Sánchez Balsera

Last weekend three of us from Cocomore attended to DrupalCamp Spain 2014. This year it was held in the beautiful city of Valencia, at the East Coast of Spain, full of magnificent buildings and the land of Paella and Horchata. Because we know of the importance of these events, this Drupalcamp was sponsored by Cocomore.


The Spanish Drupal community is well known around Europe (and probably the world) as one of the funniest, enthusiastic and noisy ones, and their own main event was of course really interesting, with great sessions among party and laughes.

On Friday there were three main activities: a Business Day, where CEO's and CTO's where talking and sharing experiences and ideas; some trainings about beginning with Drupal 7 and about Test-Driven Development and, of course, a code sprint to help bring Drupal 8 closer to release that continued all the weekend.


On Saturday the sessions and workshops started with the welcome session. There were all kind of topics so everyone could find an interesting session to attend, including the one held by Christian about Migrate in core. We were lucky to have really amazing people sharing their experience, including people that came from places like Sweden, Finland or Switzerland, and people that don't work with Drupal but want to share their experiences in topics like Agile processes or UX. And we have to mention the great paella that we had for lunch.


At the end of the day the traditional socializing event in the amazing location of L'umbracle gave us the posibility to meet, talk and have fun with all the attendees.

On Sunday there were a lot of sleepy faces, but also four hours of interesting sessions to attend. I presented one about View Modes and Field Formatters, and you can find the slides at http://jsbalsera.github.io/modes_and_formatters/

Sessions were recorded, so videos of every session should be available soon in the Spanish Association video channel on Vimeo. Some sessions, as the one held by Christian, were presented in English, so you can check in the schedule which ones will be available in English.

We want to thank to the local community in Valencia, they did a gorgeous job organizing the event. We are really looking forward to see you all again, maybe in Amsterdam in the DrupalCon or maybe in the second and developer focused event organized by the Drupal Spanish Association (AED) in Bilbao in November.


Our expert

Jesús Sánchez Balsera

Jesús Sánchez Balsera has been working as a Software Developer in the Spanish Cocomore-Team since February 2013. On his job he especially appreciates the intercultural cooperation with different people: some more creative, others more focused in Management and then again others working as coders. With his work Jesús solves problems and delivers challenging web-solutions. Thereby he helps people and companies to have a voice in the world wide web. Jesús has been working as a Software Developer from the start of his career on and specialized on Drupal at his last company.

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