Cocomore job check: What does a Web Producer do?
Interested in more agency insights? In the second part of the Cocomore Job Check we talk to web producer Kerstin Polte about what her job consists of and which challenges she has to face on a daily basis.
Kimberly: Kerstin, how long have you been working at Cocomore?
Kerstin: I have started in February 2011 in the producing department and therefore already count as a dyed-in-the-wool part of the team.
What are your responsibilities as a web producer and which projects are you currently involved in?
Basically, in producing, we are the interface between the graphic and technical departments. I prepare contents, for instance, and update them in various content management systems. But image research and image editing as well as programming newsletters are also part of my responsibilities. Currently, I am mainly occupied with the e-learning portal for medical professionals and with updating all sorts of contents in the course of a website relaunch.
Which challenges do you have to face during your work?
As soon as new projects are lined up, this often means that we initially have to familiarize ourselves with new technologies and programs. This is the point where I really enjoy my work. Basically it’s a constant learning process. In the beginning you may have a big question mark over your head, but after getting deeper into it, it’s always a lot of fun.
Which requirements does a web producer have to meet?
You should definitely be online-oriented, and be proficient in HTML and CSS. So much for hard skills. Generally it is important to be interested in new developments and to think independently instead of just checking off tasks, because as a producer you are kind of a part of every department, to an extent. A certain look at the whole picture doesn’t hurt here.
What does a typical work day look like for you?
My work day always starts the same: With a bowl of cereal I read my e-mails and get a rough overview of what’s to do, and then I prioritize. And that was already it with the rituals, because in fact, every day is different and filled with diverse projects.
What is the worst moment for a web producer and what are your personal highlights?
It sometimes drives me crazy when I am doing something trivial and suddenly nothing is working anymore. When the newsletter in the e-mail client is broken or the whole CMS is suddenly down. Then the trouble shooting begins - and this can sometimes require a lot of patience. But luckily there is a solution for everything! And the highlight for me is most definitely my team!